+61 413 070 144

Cnr Forbes & William St,
NSW Australia 2011

    Tim Watt

    Tim embraces each project as a unique opportunity to serve the music. Whether a heavy-handed touch is required or a delicate finesse – he views himself as a collaborator, tirelessly working to bring the artist’s vision to life. Recently mixing for Midnight KidsJVNA, and PINES, as well as Dolby Atmos / Spatial mixing projects for Empire Of The SunYoung FrancoMeg MacMatt CorbyBag RaidersPeach PRCHilltop HoodsVera Blue and Cat & Calmell, each project variety underscores Tim’s versatility.

    Since his earliest memories, music has been an immersive journey. Tim’s path was paved through exploring the intricacies of records, lyrics, and the emotions they evoke. From playing in bands during his 20s to the realisation his true passions lay in producing and mixing – Tim’s musical odyssey has been marked by an unwavering dedication to the craft.

    From mixing Dabin’s album ‘Wild Youth’ to Crooked Colours’ record ‘Langata’, Tim’s journey is punctuated by standout achievements. With his ongoing collaboration with Seeking Blue Records and early successes mixing Hermitude’s ‘Every Day’ + MUTO’s ‘Arcane’ EP – the stage was set for a career marked by excellence.

    While technical precision is a cornerstone of Tim’s work, the paramount focus remains on overarching feel and emotionality. Maintaining a broad perspective on the song’s essence and the emotions it seeks to convey, Tim navigates the intricate balance between the big picture and the finer details.

    Listen to Tim’s Work on Spotifyon Apple Music – and his Spatial Mixes