+61 413 070 144

Cnr Forbes & William St,
NSW Australia 2011

    Tech Updates @ FSS

    We love gear! We also love it when sessions run smoothly and are productive… So over the last few months, we’ve been making the following improvements and additions to the facilities:

    • Added 2x new “BBC Style” Baffles in the SSL Room, for more flexible isolation and acoustics
    • Mounted the Writing Room Neve console on wheels, so it can be used as a sidecar (= lush Neve Pre’s + EQ’s) in the SSL Room
    • Made “window-blacks” for the SSL and Live rooms, for better results when filming
    • Installed another Hearback headphone system through the facility, with up to 7 mixers available for SSL Room sessions, and cleaner headphone signals in the Writing Room and Interview Room.
    • Installed KRK VXT6 speaker to the Edit Suite
    • Installed the Fab Filter mastering bundle plugins in the SSL room
    • Added plants and furniture in our patio area

    Interested in doing a session at FSS? Contact us for a tour of the facilities.